Sunday, April 25, 2010

Money Makes the World Go 'Round

So, after singing the final number, taking our bows, screaming for each other in support and hanging up our costumes for the last time, Footloose came to a close. But, as everyone says, when one door closes, another opens.
This is so true for me! I was asked to be in another musical, Cabaret!
It's so exciting when someone watches you perform on stage and says "that was your audition".
It was such a thrill to work with the people I did and I think I can say that we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves as much as we possibly could.

In other news, I'm counting down the days until I turn 19 finally and can be %100 independent!
Everything is turning out so fantastically that I almost don't want to leave school. But I know that once I'm in Toronto, things will only get much better.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! And for those who want some information on when Cabaret is playing, leave a comment and I'll post information when I have it!

As always, love love <3

P.S. I will post a picture up when one pops out to me :) Keep checking back!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Theatre and Love

Hey guys so Footloose has officially started, and things are going really amazingly!
The first show today was for some of my school and some kids from the elementary school down the street and I think they really loved it!
I'm so happy with how the show turned out. All the frustration, stress and repetitiveness finally paid off!

So this lead me to discover my absolute LOVE for musical theatre. SO here's the thing, once I'm in Toronto, you will all be seeing much more of me on stage and in the entertainment industry. I'll be looking for an agent to represent me and audition for anything and everything I can.
I've always wanted to do this stuff and I think I'm now good enough to start off.

I hope, for those who are seeing/have seen the show, that it's as amazing an experience for you as it has been for me and the rest of the cast. Everyone has come so far and improved so much it's unreal.

I probably won't be blogging for a while, because of the show and all the homework I still have to catch up on, but hopefully next week I'll have something stellar posted.
'Til then,

Love, xo

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Boots and Boys

Lately rehearsals for the musical I'm in have been really intense! With opening night just over a week away, we're all running around trying to make everything perfect. It's so hectic!
I think this is my favourite part of doing a show! Everything pulls together so well despite the stress everyone is under and it makes the show so much more exciting. I'm so excited to finally perform it! It'll be really relieving to not have rehearsals three times a week anymore. Maybe now I can start working out :P

I recently pulled an all-nighter to finish my assignments. I forgot how rough that is. It was well worth it, though I think I did really well on it all. And I felt so accomplished once I was finished everything.
I'm thinking I want to get a night-job. I'm such a night-hawk and early morning person. Nothing is better than seeing the sun rise and that crisp feeling of a new day :)
I think everyone can agree with me regardless of your opinion on mornings :P

I think people have decided I'm intolerable. This is a big step for me! I've become so bitchy that people are starting to kind of get annoyed with me. How far away do you think I am from them hating me? Because, for those who saw my Facebook status a while back, I decided to make it my goal to get everyone to hate me. Is it working yet??

Anyways I'm still going strong for my move to Toronto and I'm still determined to meet this guy who's moving there from Montreal. He's perfect and I need to meet him.
I hope that's not too stalkerish, but at the same time, I really could not care less. ;)

That's all for now, folks. I just want to say thanks to everyone who reads these posts! I wasn't expecting people to take interest in my daily life, but it turned out pretty good! You guys give me a reason to write more often! So thank you all so much <3

Love Love.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Look Forward.

I said I was moving to Toronto in September, but I lied. I'm actually moving around the end of July. I'm so excited to go back home! I'm going to be staying with my sister until I find a job and apartment. So my bed will be a couch for a while, but to me it's worth it because I'm going back to my home for good! And I am not looking back!

My dad told me that I need to look for jobs in Entertainment. He thinks I'm talented and can actually make it somewhere. So why not? I just need to get some headshots and update my resume.

I don't really have a whole lot to say, actually. I just wanted to make an update for those of you who actually read this :P

I hope you're all having an excellent weekend! Enjoy the sun because, who knows, maybe it'll start snowing again! Haha.

Love Love. xoxo

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Just want to wish everyone reading a very happy Easter!
I hope you're all enjoying the gorgeous weather, and if there's no nice weather where you are (which is unlikely) I hope you're enjoying the time with your family.
So as everyone hopefully knows, I'm moving out on my own. My moving date is September the 1st and I haven't been more excited about anything!
I have a huge pile of debt, but hopefully I can pay it off and save up a few thousand to get my feet on the ground!
I'm hoping life on my own will be as exhilarating as I think it will be, I thought about a room mate, but something tells me that it will be more enjoyable by myself for a while.

Anyways, I'm spending Easter with my sister and my niece. I love them so much.
Once again, I hope you're all having an excellent weekend!