Monday, December 14, 2009

Blogger's Misconception.

I was looking at Perez Hilton's site today and realized (again) that he literally has nothing to offer to the world except an uneducated opinion on people he is clearly, and desperately, jealous of.
It would probably be better if he was attractive or had any sense in fashion before he insulted people for their clothing or the way they look.
I just find it infuriating when he complains about the disrespect he gets from people in the entertainment industry. It's kind of hilarious.

Anyways, moving on. I needed to rant. He's a menace.
I watched my friend Celidh's CD launch concert last night, and I am incredibly impressed with her. Her songs are so amazing. Very "coffee house" I think. Her mother gave me a copy of the cd and I have listened to it on repeat since I got home. I LOVE LOVE IT. The girl has a talent for songwriting. If anyone wants to buy a copy, talk to her about it. Also, very soon (I'm not sure on the exact date) "Such a Fall As This" will be hitting iTunes!
I know someone who is on iTunes! :)

I actually did a little concert of my own on Saturday night. My school's orchestra got to work with a band called The White who are famous for playing tributes to Led Zeppelin.
It was an exciting night! Not a lot of people, but the excitement was still there. Unfortunately, the Record wrote a very bad article on us. It made us sound quite inadequate.
Oh well. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.

I am thinking about this whole Youtube mishap. I've had people telling me to make more videos for their viewing pleasure. The honest truth is I am really busy! I have no time to make the videos anymore! It takes a ton of work to edit and film each one. It just got so tedious.
SO I have decided to make a compromise. I have written a new song, and I think Youtube will be the place I launch it. It's still very much a work in progress, but I hope once it is done, it'll be a good one!
Keep posted, though.

That's all I got today.
Love Love

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bye Bye Youtube

So I realise that it's been a long time since I blogged last. I'm getting so busy that I never really get around to doing it anymore.
I decided that I won't be doing video blogs anymore. It's getting pretty tedious and I don't really have enough time to do them anymore. I may upload some new ones if I get some of me playing cello or singing or if I'm bored, but they won't be a regular occurrence anymore.

So, recently I did my very first vocal solo in front of an audience and I have to say it was a lot more fun than I anticipated. I had a lot of great feedback from people and I'm hoping I'll get to do it again.
I don't know a whole lot else to talk about. I will be blogging more often on events as they happen, just stay tuned or ask me yourself :P
Thanks to everyone who actually reads these.

Love love.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Sorry to Burst Your Bubble, But...

Here's the thing:
In all my years of experience dealing with loss and love, I have learned something.

Love is NOT what they show you in the movies. And it is NOT the powerful emotion that people should do anything for.

To me, love is this:
A knife. It cuts you open and leaves you bleeding once it has done what it came to do. And everytime you look at that scar, or smell anything that reminds you of it, or hear a song that brings you back to that time, the wound spreads wide open again.

So why, if this is the result, do we still always want to have someone to love us for who we are?
Does anyone actually do that?

In movies, we see a girl who meets a boy. At first, girl hates boy, but then something draws them together to work for a common goal. In the mean time, boy falls for girl and vice versa. Then, a tragic incident happens that brings the two closer than ever. They kiss and it's the most magical thing anyone's ever seen! And then they live happily ever after and have no problems once the movie is done.

What is NOT shown is:
Boy ditches girl. Boy breaks up with girl online and tells her he cares about her a lot. Girl cries in bed for months and months wondering what could have happened if she had just kept her mouth shut! Boy tries to be friends, but Girl is too upset to try. Boy tells girl "I hate you". Girl realizes she should have been friends. Girl pursues boy consistently because she loves him. Boy refuses to let her back in. Boy says bad things about Girl. Girl says bad things about boy, but does not mean them. Girl feels the most vulnerable she's ever been. But she still loves him. Boy moves on. Girl watches from the bleachers as boy kisses new girl.


Why does this happen over, and over, and over again? Why can't we just fall in love once and be done with it? Many people know what this feels like. Myself included.
To feel so useless. Like you need to escape, but have nowhere to go. No matter how hard you try, nothing you have done can be corrected. And no matter how much you try, they will never see how much you love them.
Does this honestly sound like something worth fighting for?

Monday, September 28, 2009

It's been a while...

So, I've sent in my audition for MuchMusic VJ Search 2.0 and, although the odds are not in my favour, I'm determined to see my happy face in the top 16.
I've been making videos, updating the Facebook group, and keeping track of comments and messages.
I just want to say thanks to those who are avidly following me, you're all helping this dream come true!

On another note, I've noticed that homosexuals are at an increased risk of harassment from a group of people. And I would like to clear things up.
As the scriptures of the Bible are entirely interpretable, I've been told homosexuality is a SIN.
This is incorrect.
How could something one cannot control be a sin? You think we chose to be this way? Chose to take the abuse on a daily basis? No. It was handed to us; we had no choice in it.
So, for all those who have supposedly found passages that explicitly state it is a sin to have butt sex, check these out.

1 John.

2:9 Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness.

4:7 Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

4:20 If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.

It seems to me, since there are so many interpretations of the Bible, we should actually ask the people who wrote the scriptures, eh?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Blow Up in Your Face.

School is now becoming increasingly more difficult to endure. Sometimes, sitting in class is alright, but then there are times when your mind begins to wander to other places.
You think about what your friends might be doing at that moment, you look longingly out the window at people driving around in a giant hurry. This is when you know you need a day off to collect your thoughts.
I did just this yesterday. It was pretty fantastic: I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix twice. It is by far the best one of the six.
I did a lot of thinking, too.
Then, I went back to school and had a bomb dropped in my lap. Try studying after that!
So needless to say, I could have just stayed at home this morning and slept, but I decided Anthropology was much more important.

Here's hoping it was just a shitty start to an excellent weekend!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cure for Homosexuality.

I was watching some videos on Youtube about 5 minutes ago, and one of them was a blogger asking people if they would choose (if there was some kind of cure) to become straight.
This led me to thinking: would people actually choose an easier life and abandon themselves?
In all honesty, I wouldn't be able to decide that in less than, say, a month. I'd have to put some serious thought into it. As sexual orientation is not a choice, being given the choice would raise a lot of concerns. Some would not choose to become straight, and obviously homophobes would thrive because someone actually wants to be gay. But can you imagine how hard it would be to live with yourself knowing you chose the easy way instead of the way that makes you happiest?
It would make the decision that much more difficult. People would not only judge you to no end for your eventual choice, but you would have to live with that choice for the rest of your life.
So this leads me to ask: If I actually have any readers as of yet, would you choose to "cure" your sexuality? If you could become straight, would you do it?
There is obviously no wrong answer here, so comment and let me know where you stand.