Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010: Good Year.

Happy New Year, all!
So, let's face it. 2009 sucked for everyone. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say we all had our ups and downs (some more than others). This year, however, is going to be amazing. I can just tell these things.
I can promise I won't make any of the same mistakes I did last year. And seeing as how I started the year off single, I'm on the right track!
I haven't exactly made any resolutions yet. I guess my only goals are to finish school and GTFO of Kitchener. I can't begin to describe how much I loathe it here. I also want to move out on my own and live life on my own terms.
Those are pretty solid goals, right? We'll worry about the college and career thing in 2011, but for now, my [current] resolution is to close another chapter of my life and move on from one thing to a whole other thing. You know?
If anyone actually reads this, I want to know what your New Year's resolutions are! I don't care how ridiculous they sound, actually. The more far out they are, the better!
So yeah. I'm going to do my best to turn over a new leaf.
Until then, keep checking back :)

1 comment:

  1. *delayed comment*
    I said I'd stop biting my fingers. Yes, my fingers. I bite the nails until they're gone then I eat the skin that's underneath. Gross, I know.

    I caved in 9 hours later.
