So as the title suggests, one of my topics today is school. Also how I decided it is not for me. I don't know why but I just don't think it'll take me where I want to go and I feel like I'll miss out on a lot of opportunities that may arise. So I'm going to join an actor's union, get myself and agent and sing my way through life. I'm hoping to do some musical theatre, workshops and classes so I can be as good as I hope to be. SO THERE. Stuff it, university.
In other news, I sang with my school choir today with 470 kids aged 9-12 for the Kodaly festival. I don't know like anything about it, but I know they hold it all over the place and it's annual. It was really a treat; we sang at the Centre in the Square in front of roughly 2000 people. The applause and adrenaline was AMAZING. And being there confirmed my path to life.
However, while I was there I got just about the worst feeling in the world that landed me in quite a slum personally. Instead of opening up completely, I'll provide a brief analogy as to what I felt today.
Picture you're in a store looking at some really gorgeous boots. These boots are perfect fit and they make you feel awesome. However, they're a little bit out of your price range. So as you're deciding whether or not you should buy them (contemplating your budget and future finances and such) someone nabs them front under your nose just as you decide you're going to take them and be happy with them no matter what the cost. Now that they're gone, you realize how fucking much you wanted those boots.
That's BASICALLY what I went through today. It wasn't the best thing ever.
That's BASICALLY what I went through today. It wasn't the best thing ever.
I have another concert tomorrow, and let's hope I don't miss those boots, you know?
Until next time (which should be soonish)
Love Love.